This initial rating serves as a guide and is based on truthful information. The rating is not a guarantee that a loan will be granted and cannot replace a proper credit check.

Thank you for your online credit application.

We are happy to help you from Monday to Friday (08.00 - 18.00) via our free hotline.
To enable us to process your request as quickly as possible, please send us the following documents.

  • Copy of an official personal identification document (identity card, driver's license or foreigner's identity card, passport - please show the front and back of each)
  • Copy of pay slips for the last three months
  • If you would like to register a second applicant, please upload the same documents as for the first applicant

You can scan the documents and upload them from your computer:

  • PDF (pdf)
  • Word (dox, docx)
  • Excel (xls, xlsx)
  • Image files (jpg, png, gif)

Scan the following code to upload the files or send the photos via e-mail on your smartphone to [email protected]

easycredit AG
Untertor 8
8400, Winterthur
Via WhatsApp
Via email [email protected]